Producing Thrilling Podcast Content: How & Where?

Once you choose to create your podcast, you’ll start the series of requirements to fit in &  to stand out among the other pdcasters. You have made your mind and already found the right niche and got an idea about what audience you’re addressing, here it comes the big work to be done.  How & Where to pinpoint content?

It’s a given that podcasts consume content, for the reason that they are reachable; once you hold a smartphone with your airpods on, you’ll be able to listen to whatever podcast wherever you are & whatever you; stuff like doing homework, cooking, commuting, cooking, and even working out. 

As it’s known, it’s easier to attract people to like your content other than make them engage with it, especially on a daily basis. People try to get the most out of the gap times and make them productive. They fall back on podcasts to enjoy and to learn something new. All you need to do is to produce quality content.

It’s You but Not You

You’re digging into the challenging but easy content. We’re self-preoccupied beings with our feelings, & experiences. Use your voice to produce content about people, not about you. Doubtless your voice itself says much about you. It’s totally a win-win situation, they will enjoy your company and you’ll enjoy expressing ideas & learning along the way. 

Esteem & value your guests. You can do so whether by mentioning their backgrounds, linking to their websites, & even tagging them on your social media platforms which in turn boost your reach. Develop relationships with your already existing base of followers, they are your good reputation which helps you get to the high-class podcasting industry leaders. 

Use Your Impact

All you need to do is to produce something of value first. People engage with content with significant impact or help them learn something new or something about themselves like the influence of movies and drama has on us. They don’t guide, they show us the inbetween; what started and ended, and sometimes with free ending.

Keep your content away from complications and make it simple. Don’t discuss too much in one episode because people won’t remember most of it. It’ll be overwhelming. Don’t be weary over your imperfections since they’re getting you closer to your audience. Make it practical. 

Visuals & Clickbaits 

Visual impact always rocks. Paying attention to the cover art & post designs on your social media platforms won’t only attract people to click and have a look on your content. Once you attract the attention, you can build your popularity. Use online software tools to make the striking visuals & market your content.

Clickbaits are, according to Oxford Languages, content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page. If you’re looking for a continuous engagement, you need to make your audience trust you. You always can make striking headlines without using clickbaits. 

Feed Your Niche

Research is the easiest way to feed your niche & get updated. Websites like Google & Quora help you in this process. Google, where you can research anything & you still get results. Quora, with more questions to get unlimited answers. Research is your way to get inspired & to know what’s missing to fill it in. 

Not only questions help you get more information about your niche, Social Media engines work pretty much well like  indicators and indexes. You always can narrow your research results to get what you exactly want. Also, Keep an eye out for Facebook pages and Twitter trends can tell you a lot about what’s going on.

As we said it’s not about you, but you still can leave your personal touch. Your content says a lot about who you’re and from which background you’re talking. Building reputation and securing a presence takes time, so you need to be patient & it’ll pay off.

This post was authored by our wonderful interns who joined us on November 1, 2020 to learn from and help Podcast Inc grow. The author of this article is Gihad Ahmed from Egypt.